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Move an Attribute Using the Model Explorer

You can use the Model Explorer to move an attribute in a model within the same entity or from one entity to another. Where you drop an attribute affects its position in the entity or table. If you drop an attribute on or above a primary key attribute in the Model Explorer, the new attribute becomes a primary key. If you drop an attribute above the primary key line on the diagram window, the new attribute becomes a primary key as well. If you drop an attribute on top of another non-key attribute, the attribute is positioned below the existing attribute. You can use the insertion bar graphic and the cursor pointer as visual cues to where the attribute will be positioned in the entity. The Model Explorer can only display attributes in alphabetical order, this reorders the attribute order in the diagram.

To move an attribute using the Model Explorer

  1. Expand the Entities and Attributes folders in the Model Explorer.

    The attributes display.

  2. Select the attribute that you want to move, and drag it to the entity in the Model Explorer or in the diagram where you want to place it.

    The attribute is moved.