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Detach a Table or View from a Script

You can use the Script Template Browser to detach a table or a view that is attached to a script.

To detach a table or view from a script

  1. Click Script Templates on the Model menu.

    The Script Template Editor opens.

  2. Select the Table Level script that you want to detach and click the Script Template Browser button Macro/Stored Procedure Browser Icon.

    The Script Template Browser opens.

  3. Select a table or view in the Attached Object list that you want to detach and click the left arrow button.

    Note: To detach all tables and views in the Attached Object list, click the double left arrow button.

    The tables and views that you selected to detach from the script display in the Unattached Object list.

  4. Click Close.

    The Script Template Browser closes.

  5. Click Close.

    The Script Template Editor closes.

More information:

Script Template Browser