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Model Versions

A model version of a data model is stored each time the model is saved. This allows an earlier version of the model to be viewed and the changes to be rolled back to an earlier version if necessary. Each version is assigned a unique name, with a sequential version number, the user ID of the modeler who saved the changes to that version, and the date that the save was made using the following naming convention:

model name: version number by user name on date

For example:

movies: v. 5 by BSMITH on AUGUST 1, 2007

You can see if prior versions of the parent model exist in the Version Manager. If there are any prior versions, they appear in the expanded view of the directory tree under the parent model with the most recent prior version appearing directly under the parent model and the earliest version appearing at the end of the list. The earliest version is v.1, which is the state of the model when it was first added to the database. Each time changes are saved, a new version is created with a sequential version number. Model versions that are no longer needed can be deleted at any time.

When you open, change, and save a prior version, that prior version remains unchanged, and it retains the same unique name and version number. Therefore, each version is preserved and serves as a record of each set of changes made in a particular save.

More information:

Open the Version Manager

Open a Version of a Model

Parent Model Renaming

Purge One or More Versions of a Model

Compare Model Versions

Marked Versions

Open a Marked Version of a Model