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The Sync with Model Source Wizard

A relationship between a model and its source can be created as the result of splitting a logical/physical model, deriving a model, adding a model source, or linking a model. Once a model has a model source, the changes to the objects that were contributed by the model source are automatically tracked. At any time, you can use the Sync with Model Source wizard to import and export changes between a model and its source.

The Sync with Model Source wizard takes you step-by-step through the process of selecting the types of objects and changes that you want to compare and synchronize. You can also define case conversion and maximum length rules for logical and physical model objects, and specify a file to enforce naming standards in the target model. The result is a side-by-side list of changes that were applied to either the source and/or the target model.

Whether you import or export changes, the models and the Model Sources Properties dialog are updated with the date of the synchronization.