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Save Your Models

When you start the Complete Compare Wizard, your models remain open in the workplace. As you work in the Resolve Differences dialog, your open models are updated in "real-time."

To save your models

  1. Click Finish in the Resolve Differences dialog to end your compare session.

    Note: You can make additional changes to the options in the wizard and compare again, or you can close the wizard.

  2. Click Close in the Complete Compare Wizard to close the wizard.

    Note: If the models that you compared were already open in the workplace, the models remain open. Use the standard Save options to save your work before closing the models.

    The Close Models Prompt opens when you work with models loaded from a file, or from a database or script file.

  3. Clear the check box for models you want to keep open in the workplace. If you select models to close, when you click OK, the Close dialog displays for each model, allowing you to save your changes.

Note: If you are working with a database or script file reverse engineered using the Complete Compare Wizard, you have several options to save your work. You can save the changes in a new model, you can generate an alter script to update the database, or you can save the changes in a new script file.