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Add Entities

In the logical model, you can add entities using the ERwin toolbox.

To add entities

  1. Click the Entity tool Entity Tool in the toolbox.

    The cursor changes from an arrow to the entity symbol.

  2. Click anywhere in the Diagram Window to place the first entity. By default, this entity is named E/1.

    Repeat Steps 1 and 2 to create as many entities as needed; they are named E/2, E/3 and so on.

  3. Click Save As on the File menu to save your model.

    The Save As dialog opens.

  4. Enter a name for the model and click Save.

    The model is saved with the .erwin file extension, and the Save As dialog closes.

Note: The entities that you created in the Diagram Window also appear in the Model Explorer and Action Log because all three areas of the workplace are automatically synchronized.