Previous Topic: Impact of the r8 Transformations Functionality

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Changes to the User Interface

The following changes were made to the user interface to handle the new r8 transformation functionality:

Transforms wizards

Transforms editors

All transforms property editors were removed.

Transforms toolbar

Context menus

The Create Association Entity item was removed from the relationship context menu.

Menu items

The Show Transforms Source Objects, Show Transforms Target Objects, and the Reverse All Transforms options were removed from the Edit menu.

Model Editor

In the Model Editor (formerly the Model Properties dialog), all options related to transforms was removed.

Complete Compare Wizard

The Transform show as Target (uncheck for Source) check box was removed from the Advanced Options pane.

Sync with Model Source Wizard

The Transform show as Target (uncheck for Source) check box was removed from the Advanced Options pane.

Design layers wizards

The Auto-Transform Logical Objects group box was removed from the Options pane of the following wizards:

Model Explorer

The transforms nodes no longer display in the Model Explorer tree.