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Reset Attribute Properties

You use features in the Reset Attribute Properties dialog in a logical model to reset attribute properties for one attribute, all attributes in an entity, or all attributes in your model.

To reset attribute properties

  1. Right-click the entity that contains the attributes that you want to reset and click Attribute Properties.

    The Attribute Editor opens.

  2. Select the attribute name in the Navigation Grid that you want to reset and click the Reset Property Inheritance Inherit Button for Restoring Property Inheritance button.

    The Reset Attribute Properties dialog opens.

  3. Work with the following options:
    Scope of Reset operation

    Specifies the scope of the attribute properties to reset. Select one of the following actions:

    Only Attribute <attribute name>

    Specifies to only reset the properties of the attribute selected in the Attribute Editor.

    All Attributes of Entity <entity name>

    Specifies to reset the properties of all attributes in the selected entity.

    All Entity Attributes in model

    Specifies to reset the properties of all attributes in the current model.

    Restrict to Attributes that are attached to user-defined Domains

    Specifies to restrict the attribute properties to reset to only those attached to user-defined domains. This option is only available when you select to work with all attributes of a given entity, or all attributes in the model. Select the check box to enable this option.

    Select properties to reset

    Lets you select the individual attribute properties to reset.

    Select user-defined properties to reset

    Lets you select the individual user-defined properties to reset, if any have been defined.

  4. Click OK.

    Attribute properties are reset, the Reset Attribute Properties dialog closes, and you return to the Attribute Editor.

  5. Click Close.

    The Attribute Editor closes.

More information:
