Model Object Naming Preferences › Name Mapping Conventions Using Macros
Name Mapping Conventions Using Macros
You can establish name mapping rules for your logical/physical or logical model. (This option does not apply to physical-only models). The preferences you set are used in a number of ways. For example:
- In a logical/physical model, to create the physical names of objects in relation to the logical names.
- To set the defaults used when a physical model is derived from the logical level of the current model.
- To set the defaults used when the current model is added as a model source to a physical model.
By default, logical names are converted to physical names using the following conventions:
- For attributes:
<entity name>+<logical domain name> (both in lower case)
movie rental record
- For columns:
<attribute name translated into a column name with the underscore character used between individual words>.
Some of the commonly used macros for name mapping include:
- %EntityName
- %AttDomain
- %AttName
- %KeyType
- %TableName
- %OwnerEntity
Usage considerations:
- The conversion from Entity to Table can be accomplished through the macros %EntityName or %EntityProp(UDP).
- The logical to physical Domain conversion and Attribute to Column conversion should be used as is, without rearranging any macros.
- The Key Group to Index conversion should be accomplished with the macros shown, although you can rearrange macros as needed. For example, X%KeyType%TableName or X_%TableName_%KeyType are valid alternatives.