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Name Hardening Wizard

The Name Hardening Wizard provides a way to override inheritance of names and block name changes or resets within a model. Using the wizard, you can select the object types and object instances for which you must harden logical names or physical names, or both, within the model instead of using the inherited name values.

To run the Name Hardening Wizard, click Manage Name Hardening on the Actions menu.

You can harden names in this wizard for the following object types:

The wizard also includes the flexibility to specify whether to override name inheritance for all object instances of the selected object types, a subset of those object instances, or a specific object instance using the various pages of the wizard. The wizard contains four pages:


Contains an overview of the Name Hardening Wizard.

Type Selection

Displays the available object types that you can select for which you want to override inheritance such as Attributes, Default Values, and Domains. To make object type selection easier, you can right-click anywhere on this page to display a context menu where you can select either the Select All or Select None option. The options you select on this page are reflected in the next page of the wizard, the Object Selection page.

Note: While you are able to select the Entity check box in the Type Selection page in a logical model, name hardening can only be enabled in the physical model. Logical entity names are not inherited names; they are set on the entity object. Therefore, they do not change and there is no need to harden them.

Object Selection

Specifies the model objects or groups of model objects (collection nodes) for which you want to override inheritance. When you transition to this page from the Type Selection page, all the selections that you made on the Type Selection page are listed and selected on this page.

The collection nodes have check boxes that summarize the state of the objects under that node (subordinate objects). The check boxes for the collection nodes have three states. If none of the subordinate objects are selected, the check box for that collection node is not selected. If all the subordinate objects are selected, then the check box for that collection node is selected. If some of the subordinate objects are selected, then the check box for that collection node is selected, and is also shaded. Clicking the collection node check box allows toggling of the selection of the entire set of subordinate objects. In addition, you can right-click anywhere on this page to display a context menu where you can select either the Select All or Select None option. Any selections you make to the Selection Sets section on this page are immediately reflected in the Selected Objects section.


Reflects the current name hardening settings for the selected objects. The Logical and Physical columns indicate the status of the objects and the Selected Objects column lists their fully qualified names, for example, instead of simply 'a,' an attribute name would be 'OwnerName.E/1.a.' Also, each object has a check box for selection; if you want to override inheritance, or harden, select a check box for the object; clear a check box for an object for which you want to unharden the name. When you unharden an object name, the same name you used in the hardening process remains, however, now you can edit or reset that name (editing or resetting of hardened names is not allowed).

Note: Unhardening an object name does not automatically restore inheritance, it only allows the names to be reset or changed.

Note: If you prefer, you can select all the objects directly on the diagram, launch the wizard, and go directly to the Action page. The objects you select on the diagram populate the Type Selection and Object Selection pages.

More information:

Override Name Inheritance

Unharden Object Names