Previous Topic: Delete a Relationship

Next Topic: Multiple Attribute or Column Selection

Select Objects on the Diagram Window

You can select objects and move and copy them within the diagram window or copy them to the clipboard and paste them onto another diagram window or into word processing documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.

To select and copy attributes, columns, or relationships within the diagram window or to another diagram window, you must select the entities or tables associated with the attributes, columns, or relationships.

While you cannot copy individual attributes, columns, or relationships, you can delete them.

Selected objects are always highlighted. To deselect an object, press the Ctrl key and click the object. To deselect all objects, click anywhere on the diagram window.

To select objects on the diagram window

  1. Click the Select icon on the ERwin toolbar, and select a contiguous group of model objects on the diagram window using the lasso method:
  2. Press the Ctrl key, and then click each object that you want to select (individual selection); if you are selecting individual attributes or columns, you will have to first select its associated entity or table.

Note: Before you select model objects, you can Zoom Out your diagram window so you can easily select multiple objects and copy or move them to another position on the diagram window.

More information:

Cut, Copy, and Paste Functions