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set object-class Command

The set object-class command defines an object class.

An object class is a fundamental part of the schema, and essential to the directory.

This command has the following format:

set object-class OID = {
name		= DN
ldap-names 	= DN
subclass-of	DN
kind		= structural | auxiliary | abstract
must-contain attribute-list
may-contain	attribute-list
description = "description"

The name of the object class. This is its formal name, and is often descriptive.


Alternative names for the object class. Think of these as nicknames-they can be used anywhere the name can be used. Often these are shorter.


Specifies the object class, or object classes, from which this object class inherits.


Specifies the kind of object class.

must-contain attribute-list

Lists the attributes that must be supplied for every instance of this object class.

may-contain attribute-list

Lists the attributes that may be supplied in an instance of this object class.


A description of the object class.

Examples: set object-class Command

set object-class x500oc:5 = {
name	=	organizationalUnit
subclass-of	top
kind	= 	structural
must-contain	organizationalUnitName
may-contain	organizationalAttributeSet
description = 	"X.500 Organizational Unit Object Class"
set object-class caOclass:0 = {
name =	caOrgPerson
subclass-of 	organizationalPerson
kind = 	structural
may-contain 	caAttributeSet

description = "CA Organizational Person Object Class" };

More information:

Set Up Schemas