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set name-binding Command

Use the set name-binding command to define a name binding between two previously defined object classes. This defines the hierarchy of the directory.

A name binding consists of a name for the name binding, an object and its allowable parent, and an attribute that names the object

This command has the following format:

set name-binding OID = {
	name = binding-name
	parent-OC allowable-parent child-OC
	named-by attribute-list [ optional ]

Specifies the object identifier of the attribute


The name of the name binding. This is often descriptive. It can be constructed by concatenating the names of the object classes being connected.


Specifies the parent and child object classes


Lists the attributes that name an object of the child object class. Often only one attribute is listed.


(Optional) Lists attributes that may optionally be appended to the list specified in named-by.

Example: Define Name Binding

In this example, a new definition (arbitrarily named org-country) states that you can place an organization object under a country object and that you must name it by the organizationName attribute. The definition org-top states that you can also place an organization object under a top object (that is, the root of the namespace) named by the organizationName attribute.

Multiple attributes can name an object, in which case you separate the attributes by commas. Additional naming attributes are optional when the keyword optional precedes them.

set name-binding x500nbind:2 = {
name = org-top
organization allowable-parent top
named-by organizationName
set name-binding x500nbind:3 = {
name = org-country
organization allowable-parent country
named-by organizationName

Example: Define Advanced Name Binding

set name-binding x500nbind:22 = {
name = orgUnit-orgPerson
organization allowable-parent organizationalUnit
named-by commonName optional surname

More information:

Set Up Schemas