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Set Minimum Numbers of Types of Characters

CA Directory includes commands that let you specify the minimum numbers of various types of characters that each new password must contain.

To set the minimum number of particular types or characters, use one or more of these commands:

set password-alpha = number-chars | 0 ;
set password-alpha-num = number-chars | 0 ;
set password-lowercase = number-chars | 0 ;
set password-non-alpha = number-chars | 0;
set password-non-alpha-num = number-chars | 0;
set password-numeric = number-chars | 0;
set password-uppercase = number-chars | 0 ;

Example: Specify Characters in Passwords

In this example, you want to force users to create passwords that include the following characters:

To create this policy, use the following commands:

set password-policy = true;
set password-numeric    = 2;
set password-non-alpha-num = 1;
set password-lowercase   = 1;
set password-uppercase   = 1;

Users cannot create the following passwords:

They can create the following passwords:

More information:

set password-alpha Command

set password-alpha-num Command

set password-lowercase Command

set password-non-alpha Command

set password-non-alpha-num Command

set password-numeric Command

set password-uppercase Command