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set attribute Command—Define an Attribute

The set attribute command defines an attribute. An attribute is a basic building block in the schema, and it consists of an attribute name, alternate name, syntax, single-valued flag, and a description.

For more information, see Manage Schemas.

This command has the following format:

set attribute OID[:OID_Suffix] = {
	name 		= attribute-name
	ldap-names 	= cn
	equality 	= 
	ordering 	= 
	substr 		= 
	syntax 		= 
	[ single-valued | multi-valued ]
	[ no-user-modification ]
	[ description ] 

Specifies the object ID for the attribute. An OID has one of the following forms:


(Optional) Further specifies the OID.

name = attribute-name

Specifies the name of the attribute. This is its formal name, and is often descriptive.


Specifies alternative names for the attribute. These are similar to nicknames: they can be used anywhere the name can be used. Often these are shorter, and used in DNs. For example, c for country.


Indicates the type of matching to apply to the attribute.


Indicates the ordering rules to apply to the attribute.


Indicates the substring-matching rule to apply to the attribute.


Indicates the type of data that may be stored in the attribute.

single-valued | multi-valued

Indicates whether the attribute has multiple values (for example, lines of an address), or is limited to a single value (for example, salary).


Indicates whether the user can modify the value of the attribute


A description of the attribute.

Example: set attribute Command

set attribute (2.5.4):10 = {
name = commonName
ldap-names = cn
syntax = caseIgnoreString ;

More information:

Set Up Schemas