Previous Topic: search-req Command—Find Entries

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The search-req-filter option defines the filter for the search-req command. The search-req command uses the filter to determine whether to display the entries it finds, or to exclude these entries from its results.


A search-req filter consists of one filter item, or a number of filter items linked together by one of the logical operators: and, not, or.

Hence you can use any of the following formats:

and {search-filter-item ,search-filter-item ...}
or {search-filter-item ,search-filter-item ...}
not {search-filter-item} 

The braces ({}) in these expressions are part of the syntax and define the scope of the operator.

Wherever you have one search filter item you can replace it with one of the above expressions, and you can can nest these expressions indefinitely.


Defines an item within a search filter. It has one of the following formats:

attr=DN present 
attr=DN value {= | <= | >= | ~=} attributeValue 
attr=DN substrings {initial | final | any} attributeValueSubString

The braces ({}) and pipe symbols (|) in these expressions are not part of the command—they are there merely to show the alternative forms of the expression: the braces enclose a set of alternatives, and the pipes separate the alternatives.

The operators and other parameters in these expressions are as follows:




Less than or equals


Greater than or equals


Approximately equals


Defines a possible attribute value.


Defines a possible substring of an attribute value.