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LDAP-Only Examples

These commands are supported by the LDUA, which is the LDAP version of the DUA. Because the LDUA uses the LDAP protocol, it has access to LDAP controls, which permit operations to be modified. For example, the search command can include server-side sorting and paged results.

Example: Search and Sort Results

Search all objects under Democorp, retrieving all objects with common name beginning with H, and sort the objects in reverse order by description:

	base-object=<o Democorp> 
	filter = { attr = commonName substrings [ initial h ] }
	attrs = commonName,description
	controls = { server-side-sort description reverse critical };

Example: Search and Page Results

Search all objects under Democorp, retrieving all objects that contain an attribute common name beginning with H, and page the results:

search-req base-object=<o Democorp> whole-subtree
	filter = { attr = commonName substrings [ initial h ] }
	attrs = commonName,description
	controls = { simple-paged-results size = 20 critical };

Example: Search and Sort and Page Results

These LDUA controls can be used together. The following example searches all objects under Democorp, retrieves all objects that contain an attribute common name beginning with H, and sorts and pages the results:

search-req base-object=<o Democorp> whole-subtree
	filter = { attr = commonName substrings [ initial h ] }
	attrs = commonName,description
	controls = { server-side-sort commonName
	simple-paged-results size = 20 position = 20 };