Use the optional attributes parameter in the DISP agreement to specify the set of attributes to be shadowed.
Each element of attrSelectionList is an attrSelection element, which specifies the attributes that the shadow supplier is to select for shadowing. Specification of attributes for an object superclass also applies its subclasses. If the class is omitted, the selection applies to all classes.
When using the exclude specification, any attributes contained in an entry that are not explicitly excluded are implicitly included. Attributes are implicitly included where all-attributes is specified.
The attribute object class, all attributes that are described in the schema as must contain, and all operational attributes, are replicated unless they are listed in an exclude list.
Where entries belong to more than one of the specified classes, the specifications are cumulative. When there are conflicting specifications, include has priority over explicitly excluded attributes and exclude has priority over implicitly included attributes.
A selective DISP update can include entries that do not satisfy the schema requirements of the shadow consumer. For example, mandatory attributes need not be present in an entry contained in the DISP update.
With CA Directory, such an update is allowed because the master DSA verifies the schema of the complete entry and allows the partial replication to the shadow DSA. This may, however, cause problems when replicating to other vendors' directories.
If you flag the DSA as a shadow (so that it is read-only for non-DISP operations), the fact that not all attributes are present for a particular entry is of no consequence.
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