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The Filter Parameter in a DISP Agreement

You can use the optional filter parameter in the DISP agreement to use an X.500 filter to specify entries.

If you use the subtree filter, you should base the restrictions on object class, not on attributes. If the subtree filter contains anything other than comparisons of object class values, this can cause the shadow DSA to have incorrect data. This happens if the entry is modified on the master DSA and so no longer matches the search filter. In that case, subsequent DISP updates do not contain this entry, and leave the shadow DSA with unmodified and incorrect data.

Potentially the subtree filter could cause problems when shadowing to other vendors' directories, if for example, a full refresh is requested, or if an entry is shadowed but its parent entry does not exist on the shadow slave. CA Directory overcomes this potential problem by automatically creating Directory Specific Entries (DSE) that have a name but no attributes.