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read-req Command—Read an Entry

Use the read-req command to get information about an entry.

The command has the following format:

read-req entry = DN 
	[no-info-return | attrs-only | attr-and-val]
	[all-attrs | attrs = attribute[,attribute...] ]
	[ all-extra-attrs | extra-attrs = attribute[,attribute...] ]

Defines the distinguished name of the entry. DN is expressed in X.500 format.

attrs=attribute [,attribute]

Defines the non-operational attributes to display. The service returns an error if it does not find these attributes in the entry.

By default, all non-operational attributes are displayed.


Defines the common arguments. For more information, see common-args.

extra-attrs=attribute [,attribute]

Defines the operational attributes to display. By default no operational attributes are displayed.

Example: Get Information About the Democorp Entry

The following command returns all the attribute values for the Democorp entry:

read-req entry = <countryName "AU"><organizationName "Democorp"> ;

Example: Read Selected Attributes and Values

The following command returns the selected attribute values for the Corporate entry:

	entry = <c "AU"><o "Democorp"><ou "Corporate">
	attrs = facsimileTelephoneNumber, telephoneNumber;

Example: Read an Alias Object, not the Entry that the Alias Points To

	entry = <countryName "AU">
		<organizationName "Democorp">
		<commonName "Brendan Randall">
		common-args = {dont-deref-aliases } ;