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common-args—Common Arguments Applicable to All DUA Requests

The common-args parameter is common to all DUA requests. All common arguments are optional.

The format of the parameter is as follows:

common-args = { 
	[size-limit = numberOfEntries] 
	[time-limit = numberOfSeconds]

Has the same effect as local-scope.


Specifies that the DUA should treat an alias as the target for the command.

The default for the commands that read entries is to treat an alias as a pointer, and return information about the entry that the alias points to. This applies to the following commands:

By contrast, the commands that write to the directory always act on the DN specified in the command, and do not treat an alias as a pointer. Hence this option is implied. The update commands are the following:


Prevents the DSA that receives a request from passing the request to another DSA. Do not use this in a configuration with router DSAs, because a router DSA always needs to pass requests to another DSA. However, this parameter can be useful for testing purposes.

size-limit= numberofEntries

Defines the maximum size allowed for the returned result. If the request is not complete within this limit, it returns the partial results. If the max-op-size setting in the DSA configuration is smaller than size-limit, then max-op-size takes precedence.

This argument is only relevant for the inquire services: compare-req, read-req, search-req and list-req. It is ignored for the other, update, commands.

time-limit= NumberOfSeconds

Defines the maximum time the request is allowed. If the request is not complete within this time, it returns the partial results. If the max-op-time setting in the DSA configuration is smaller than time-limit, then max-op-time takes precedence.