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mod-dn-req Command—Rename an Entry

The mod-dn-req command renames an entry. Renaming a non-leaf entry changes the distinguished name of all entries under it.

You can use mod-dn-req to change the case of a value, for example, from Democorp to DEMOCORP.

You can also optionally delete the old RDN.

The command has the following syntax:

	entry = DN 
	new-rdn = DN
	[ delete-old | dont-delete-old ]
	[new-superior = DN ] 

Specifies that the command should delete the old DN of the entry. If you do not specify delete-old, the RDN remains in the entry as one or more non-distinguished attribute values.

new-superior = DN

Specifies that the command should move the entry (and any subordinates) to a different place in the DIT.


Defines the common arguments. For more information, see common-args.

Example: Change the Name of an Organizational Unit

To change the name of the organizational unit R&D (under organization Democorp) to Research & Development:

	entry = <countryName "AU">
		<organizationName "Democorp">
		<organizationalUnitName "R&D" >
	new-rdn = <organizationalUnitName "Research & Development">

Example: Move the Entry and Any Subentries

The following command moves the R&D entry and all of its subordinates from AU,Democorp to AU, Democorp, Corporate.

	entry = <countryName "AU"> 
		<organizationName "Democorp"> 
		<organizationalUnitName "R&D" >
	new-rdn = <organizationalUnitName "Research & Development"> 
	new-superior = <countryName "AU">
		<organizationName "Democorp">
		<organizationalUnitName Corporate>;