Previous Topic: Export the CA Certificate to a PEM File

Next Topic: Change the DSA Configuration to Use the New Certificates

Export the DSA Certificates to PEM Files

The command to export the DSA certificates is exactly the same as the command used in the previous topic, except the DSA names replaces the rootCA values.

To export the DSA certificates

  1. Change to the ssld\personalities directory.
  2. Export the certificates, using the following commands:
    ctcert x -fDemocorp-Master-democorp.pem -s2 -lDemocorp-Master-democorp
    ctcert x -fUNSPSC-Master-unspsc.pem -s2 -lUNSPSC-Master-unspsc
    ctcert x -fRouter-Master.pem -s2 -lRouter-Master

    Specifies the label of the certificate stored in the HSM slot.


    Specifies the file name of the exported certificate.