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Change the DSA Configuration to Use the New Certificates

You must now configure each individual DSA to use HSM certificates.

To change the DSA configuration to use the new certificates

  1. Create an SSLD configuration file with the following content:
    # HSM configuration
    set ssl = {
    	cert-dir = "config/ssld/personalities"
    	ca-file = "config/ssld/rootCA.pem"
    	pin = "1000"
    	lib = "C:\Program Files\Eracom\ProtectToolkit C Runtime\cryptoki.dll"
    	slot = 2
  2. Save this new file as config\ssld\HSM.dxc.
  3. Modify the DXI file to use the new SSLD configuration file:
    1. Find the following line:
      source "../ssld/default.dxc";
    2. Replace it with this line:
      source "../ssld/HSM.dxc";
  4. Restart all DSAs.