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Create a New Region, Site, or Host

The network topology describes the hosts on which the directory backbone runs, and the quality of network connections between the hosts. The quality of connections is represented by sites and regions.

When you want to add another computer to the directory backbone, you should add a new host in the directory configuration. Similarly, you can add new sites or regions if your company has acquired data centers.

We recommend that you give each host, region, and site a short descriptive name.

To create a new region, site, or host

  1. Log in to DXmanager as a user with the Change or Superuser role.
  2. Ensure that DXmanager is in Edit mode.
  3. Click the Maps tab and display the Topology map.
  4. Right-click the level above the item you want to create, and then select the option to add a new item.

    The following example shows the option for creating a new host by right-clicking on a site:

    Screenshot of DXmanager, showing the "Add a new host to this site" item in a right-click menu

  5. Enter the information about the new region, site, or host in the dialog, and click OK when you are done.

    The Topology map now displays the new region, site, or host.

  6. Click Configuration, Deploy to update the hosts with the new configuration.

More information:

Network Topology in DXmanager Terms