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compare-req Command—Compare Entries

The compare-req command compares the contents of an entry with some static data.

This command has the following format:

compare-req entry=DN 
	assertion = attribute-name "attribute-value"

Defines the distinguished name of the entry. DN is expressed in X.500 format.

assertion = attribute-name "attribute-value"

Specifies the name and value of the attribute to be compared.


Defines the common arguments. For more information, see common-args.

If the DSA cannot find the entry or attribute, it returns the following result:


If DSA finds the entry and attribute, it returns one of the following results:

compare-confirm was-matched
compare-confirm not-matched

Example: Compare a Telephone Number

Use the following command to compare a telephone number:

	entry = <c "AU"><organizationName "Democorp">
		<organizationalUnitName "Corporate">
	assertion = telephoneNumber "03 9727 9942";

See the test scripts for more examples.