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dxadmind help Command—Check the DXadmind Configuration

This command has the following format:

dxadmind help

The output includes the following information:

Config version

Lists the latest version of the configuration that DXadmind has received. You can compare this number with the version shown in DXmanager.

DXadmind Port

Lists the port on which DXadmind listens for requests from DXmanager. You can change this port using the dxadmind setup command.

DXadmind Trap Port

Lists the port on which DXadmind listens for SNMP traps from DSAs on the host.

DXmanager Host

Lists the IP address of the Management Server that DXadmind trusts. You can change this using the dxadmind setup command.

Configured DSAs

Lists the DSAs from the configuration that exist on this host.

Known local network addresses

Lists the interfaces that DXadmind can find on this host.

More information:

Check Whether DXadmind Trusts DXmanager