Previous Topic: How Trace Logs and Alarm Logs Roll Over

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How the DSA Keeps Time During Rollover

When the DSA starts up it stores the current ‘hour’ and ‘minute’ in local time and the seconds since epoch. When a log message is written, the log roll check is performed.

The logs will roll when: 'hour' * 60 + 'minute' + delta in seconds since the last roll / 60 > 1440.

For example:

Start DSA at 23:50
Hours = 23
Minutes = 50
roll check at 23.59   1380 + 50 + 9 = 1439  - no roll
roll check at 0.00    1380 + 50 + 10 = 1440 - no roll
roll check at 0.01    1380 + 50 + 11 = 1441 - roll

The roll check occurs only when any log message is being written after 1 minute past midnight.

The set rollover-trace-log command needs to be set after the set trace-log command, and same for alarm (if set). Otherwise, the rollover settings will be set back to their default state of off.