Previous Topic: How the Historical Log Files Roll Over

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How Trace Logs and Alarm Logs Roll Over

CA Directory supports rolling of the trace and alarm log.

This is exactly the same way that the other logs rotate (summary, query etc), except for one difference: the current day's trace and alarm logs will always be known as "dsaName_trace.log" and "dsaName_alarm.log".

When the system clock ticks over to one past mightnight (00:01), the DSA acknowledges that more than 24 hours has elapsed and does the following:

  1. The DSAs flushes the trace or alarm log.
  2. The DSAs closes the trace or alarm log.
  3. The DSAs renames the current trace or alarm log to "dsaName_trace_ccyymmdd.log" & "dsaName_alarm_ccyymmdd.log".
  4. The DSAs opens the trace/alarm log "dsaName_trace.log" and "dsaName_alarm.log".

This method allows the alarm and trace logs to retain their current log file names, as well as enabling the rollover effect.

The following commands enable this feature:

set rollover-trace-log = true;
set rollover-alarm-log = true;