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Service Limits

You can set limits on the searches that a DSA can perform.

Note: If the DSA tests a user request against any search profile, then it will ignore the limit list and limit search configuration items for that request. For more information, see Using Search Profiles.

Description of the Limit

How to Set the Limit

Default If Limit Is Not Changed

Prevent a DSA from accepting list requests

Prevents a superior DSA from sending list requests to this DSA.

Specify the Limit list configuration item in DXmanager

List requests are not prevented

Prevent a DSA from accepting lengthy search requests.

Prevents another (superior) DSA from sending lengthy search requests to this DSA

Specify the Limit search configuration item in DXmanager

Search requests are not limited

Limit the DSA to only exact searches

Specify the Limit search exact configuration item in DXmanager

The DSA is not limited to only exact searches

Prevent all DSAs that service a namespace from accepting update requests

Prevents a router DSA from sending update requests to these DSAs

Set the Read Only configuration item in DXmanager

The DSAs accept update requests

More information:

Example: Routing an Update Request

Reject Some Types of Requests

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