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Example: Routing an Update Request

The following diagram shows five DSAs that control a single namespace. Each DSA controls a portion of the namespace, represented by its prefix, and a relationship with the other DSAs in the domain.

In the following diagram, DSA 1 is the superior of DSA 2 and DSA 3. DSA 4 and DSA 5 are subordinates of DSA 3:

How chaining works in a backbone with five DSAs, each controlling a portion of the namespace

  1. A client sends a request to DSA 2, to modify the phone number of the entry cn=Milio GILMORE,ou=Legal,ou=Corporate,o=DEMOCORP,c=AU.
  2. DSA 2 cannot respond to the query, so it routes (forwards) the request to its superior, DSA 1.
  3. DSA 1 also cannot respond, but because the entry is controlled by its subordinate, it routes the request to DSA 3.
  4. DSA 3 routes the request to its subordinate, DSA 5.
  5. DSA 5 modifies the email address, and sends a confirmation response back to DSA 3.
  6. DSA 3 sends the response back to DSA 1.
  7. DSA 1 sends the response back to DSA 2.
  8. DSA 2 sends the response to the client.

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