Previous Topic: Make an Existing Object Class Extensible

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Make an Existing Object Extensible

If you are using an existing schema, you can still make an object extensible.

This section describes how to do this using JXplorer.

To make an existing object extensible

  1. If the DSA does not include ldapv3.dxc in its schema, do the following:
    1. Add ldapv3.dxc to the DSA initialization file after the clear schemas command, and after the X.500 schema is sourced, as in the following example:
      clear schema; 
      source "../schema/dxmanager.dxg"; 
      source "../schema/ldapv3.dxc";
    2. Initialize the DSA using the following command:
      dxserver init dsa-name
  2. In JXplorer, connect to the DSA.
  3. Navigate to the object that you want to change.
  4. In the right pane, select the Table Editor tab to display the attributes for this object.
  5. Click the Change Class button.
  6. In the Set Object Entry Classes dialog, find the object class extensibleObject in the Available Classes list.
  7. Select the object class extensibleObject, click Add, and click OK.
  8. Click Submit to save your change to this object.

    This object can now use any attribute that is defined in the DSA schema.

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