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Add an Attribute to an Extensible Object

After you have made a object extensible, you can add any attribute in the schema to that object.

You cannot do this using JXweb. This section describes how to do this using DSA console commands.

To add an attribute to an extensible object

  1. Ensure that the object is extensible, as described in the previous section.
  2. Open a DSA console, and bind to the DSA using the following command:
  3. Add the attribute to the entry using the following command:
    mod-entry-req entry=DN add-attr {attribute-name "attribute-value"};

    For example, to add the carLicense attribute with the value EXT 133 to the Democorp organization entry, use the following command:

    mod-entry-req entry=<c au><o democorp> add-attr {carLicense "EXT 133"};

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