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Limits That You Cannot Change

What is Limited



Number of entries in a DSA

CA Directory can cope with enormous numbers of entries.

More than one hundred million

Number of DSAs in a backbone

CA Directory can cope with enormous numbers of DSAs.


Number of replica DSAs

CA Directory can cope with enormous numbers of DSAs.


Number of attribute values per attribute in an entry

This is the maximum number of attribute values in a particular attribute in a single entry.

This is not the overall number of values that exist in the directory for that attribute type.

Note: Performance will degrade significantly (especially for updates) if some entries have large numbers of attribute values.


Size of RDNs

There is no restriction on the length of RDNs.

No limit

Depth of DIT stored in a single DSA

The maximum depth of a DIT stored in a single DSA is determined by the number of entries in the DSA.


Characters in the name of a DSA, computer, or user

See the Readme


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