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Data Limits

What is Limited



Number of searchable characters in an attribute value

There is no restriction on the number of searchable characters in DSAs.


Number of characters in commands

UNIX shells and the Windows command line may limit the number of characters in a single command.

This can a problem if you want to set the installation destinations for many CA Directory components.

To avoid using a very long command, use the ETRDIRBASEPATH argument to set the location for the entire installation, instead of setting the location of each component separately.


Maximum attribute value size

This is sometimes called the Maximum Binary Large Object (BLOB) size.

59 MB

Size of attribute values in an LDAP request

The largest LDAP request that a DSA can accept is limited.

30 MB

Size of integer attribute values

The largest integer syntax value is limited.

4 B

Number of attribute values per attribute in an entry

This is the maximum number of values in a particular attribute in a single entry.

Note: Performance will degrade significantly (especially for updates) if some entries have large numbers of attribute values.

More than one hundred million

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