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How to Invoke a Search View

You invoke the view by requesting a search that includes the DN of the view.

The invoking search request also specifies a filter and the scope. Both of these are passed to the view.

The DSA uses the filter only to supply values to parameters in the phases of the search.

The scope can be base-object search or a subtree search. The view does not directly use this scope specification, because the scope of each each of searches (phase) in a view is separately defined in the view definition. Instead, the view uses the scope to determine what filter to use in its first phase of the view.

If the scope is a subtree search, then the filter is not used directly and the DSA uses the filter in the search request to pass parameters to phase one of the view.

If the search is a base-object search, then the DSA uses the search filter you specify and ignores the phase one filter. The search filter must be a single term. Valid operators are as follows:

Example: Invocation of a View with a Subtree Search Command

ldapsearch -h host:30000 -b "cn=SIM,ou=Views,o=ACME" -s subtree (cn=John Smith) SIMCardNumber

This invokes the Channel List view. Phase one of the view should have a filter that includes the term $cn. The DSA replaces any occurrence of $cn in the view with John Smith, and then runs phase one.

Example: Invocation of a View with a Base-Object Search Command

ldapsearch -h host:30000 -b "cn=SIM,ou=Views,o=ACME" -s baseobject (baseObject=*) SIMCArdNumber

This invokes the Channel List view. The phase one filter is (baseObject=*).

More information:

DXsearch Tool—Search a Directory

How to Use Views

set view Command—Define a View

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