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DXsearch Tool—Search a Directory

Use the DXsearch tool to search within a specified directory using defined filters. The utility lets you specify search output as LDIF or text, or can write each returned attribute to a file.

This command has the following format:

dxsearch [options] filter [attributelist]

Example: dxldap.conf file on a Windows System, Specifying the TLS_REQCERT Setting

TLS_CACERT  c:\program files\CA\Directory\dxserver\config\ssld\trusted.pem

Example: dxldap.conf file on a UNIX System, Using the Default TLS_REQECRT Setting

TLS_CACERT  /opt/CA/Directory/dxserver/config/ssld/trusted.pem

Example: Search and Results

This example uses the Democorp sample directory supplied with CA Directory. You can repeat this example as a training exercise.

Use the following command to search:

%dxsearch -L -h "(sn=horsfall)"

The results appear like this:

dn: cn=Murray HORSFALL,ou=Repair,ou=Operations,o=Democorp,c=AU
oc: organizationalPerson
oc: newPilotPerson
oc: quipuObject
cn: Murray HORSFALL
title: Information Technology Manager
telephone: 797 8877
description: Replacements
postalAddress: 173 Toorak Pde $ Berkeley NSW
postalCode: 2506

If you send the output to an LDIF file, you can edit the file contents and use the DXmodify tool to implement the changes.

dxsearch -L -h yourhost:19389 "(sn=horsfall)" > h-modify.ldi

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