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DXschemaldif Tool—Extract the Schema from an LDAP Directory

Use the DXschemaldif tool to extract the schema from an external LDAP directory. The schema is extracted into LDIF format, and can be directed to the screen or a file.

This command has the following format:

dxschemaldif [-v] [options] hostaddr:port [> filename]

Note: To get help on the tool, enter the command dxschemaldif with neither options nor parameter.

Example: Extract Schema from V3 LDAP

To extract the schema from a Version 3 LDAP directory and redirect the output to the new_schema.ldif file, enter the following command:

dxschemaldif -v ldapserver:389 > new_schema.ldif

You can use the ldif2dxc tool to convert the LDIF schema into the CA Directory schema format.

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