You can install CA Directory in the following ways:
On Windows, the Installation Wizard lets you install each package using the installation wizard.
On UNIX, an interactive installation script lets you install each package.
Silent installation does not require any user input during the installation process. This means that the installation runs silently; no installation screens appear, no command prompt is required and feedback from the installation process does not appear on the screen.
In an interactive installation, the user enters information during the installation process. By contrast, in a silent installation, the user's information is stored in a response file. A response file is a text file that supplies information to be used during the installation process. This input is normally supplied by the user during the installation process. When the installation program requires input, it checks the response file and uses the information in the response file.
You can install the Directory and Directory Management packages using silent installation. You cannot install the other packages silently.
During a silent installation, errors are written to a log file and the installation returns an error code. There is no other visual feedback about errors. In contrast, the interactive installation lets you deal with issues as they arise during installation. For example, if you are not logged in as a superuser, or do not have enough disk space, the interactive installation prompts you to rectify this before you can continue.
Before you can install a package silently, you must create a response file for that package.
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