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Install CA Directory Interactively on UNIX from

The installation script lets you install any of the CA Directory packages interactively from their respective CD. You can also install CA Directory from a downloaded package for your operating system.

To install interactively on UNIX

  1. Log in as root.
  2. Insert the CA Directory or CA Directory Management CD into your optical disk drive and mount the drive.
  3. Enter the following command:

    If you are installing the Directory package, the script identifies the OS you are installing on and starts the appropriate installation script.

    If you are installing the Directory Management package, the following options appear:

                  CA Directory Management Installation
                 Copyright 2008 CA. All rights reserved.
    ---- OPTIONS -------------------------------------------------------------
      1. Install Directory Management package (DXmanager, JXweb)
    ---- Supporting Products -------------------------------------------------
      2. Install JRE
      3. EXIT
      Please select an option [1]

    Enter a number to select one of the packages.

    The installation script begins.

  4. When prompted, supply the requested information for the package you are installing:

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