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CA Directory Available Documentation

The documentation for CA Directory r12.0 SP1 is listed in the following table.

The Bookshelf is available from the product media. The documents in the Bookshelf are available on both PDF and html. When you open a document from the bookshelf and perform a search, it will automatically search all other documents in the Bookshelf.




Administration Guide

Explanations and procedures to help you with CA Directory administration, including configuration, security and maintenance.


Installation Guide

Explanations and procedures to help you install the product.


Integration Guide

Explanations and procedures to help you integrate:

  • an Eracom HSM
  • a Websphere Portal Server
  • Entrust Security Manager


Reference Guide

Comprehensive reference information related to product functionality. Includes information about tools, commands, port numbers, system messages, limits and schemas.


Release Summary

Basic release information about the product including new and changes features since the last release, known issues, operating system support and installation and operations considerations.



Last minute information about known issues.

All information that used to be in this document such as operating system support and known issues are now in the Release Summary.

Installation folder

Release Notes

A list of all issues addressed in this release.

Installation Folder

Tech Docs

Documents written by the Support team in answer to specific customer questions that have been raised.

To view PDF files, you must download and install a Portable Document Format (PDF) reader. The CA Directory documentation requires Adobe Reader 7.0.7 or later. You can download Adobe Reader from the Adobe website if it is not already installed on your computer.

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