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Documentation Conventions

The CA Directory documentation uses the following conventions:



Mono-spaced font

Code or program output


Emphasis or a new term


Text that you must type exactly as shown

A forward slash /

Platform independent directory separator used to describe UNIX and Windows paths

The documentation also uses the following special conventions when explaining command syntax and user input (in a mono-spaced font):




Information that you must supply

Between square brackets [ ]

Optional operands

Between braces { }

Set of mandatory operands

Choices separated by pipe |

Separates alternative operands (choose one).

For example, the following means either a user name or a group name:



Indicates that the preceding item or group of items can be repeated


Default values

A backslash at end of line preceded by a space \

Sometimes a command does not fit on a single line in this guide. In these cases, a space followed by a backslash ( \) at the end of a line indicates that the command continues on the following line.

Note: Avoid copying the backslash character and omit the line break. These are not part of the actual command syntax.

Example: Command Notation Conventions

The following code illustrates how command conventions are used in this guide:

ruler className [props({all|{propertyName1[,propertyName2]...})]

In this example:

When using the optional parameter (props), you can choose the keyword all or, specify one or more property names separated by a comma.

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