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Database Virtualization Troubleshooting


I am trying to virtualize an Oracle database. When I exercise the JDBC transaction in playback mode, the transaction count does not increase in the VSE Console.


Open the log file for the agent. Search for the following exception:

java.lang.RuntimeException: com.itko.javassist.NotFoundException: oracle.xdb.XMLType
   at com.itko.javassist.CtClassType.getClassFile2(
   at com.itko.javassist.CtClassType.getSuperclass(

If you find the exception, do the following steps:

  1. Stop the application and the virtual service.
  2. Start the virtual service. Make sure that it is in Running state.
  3. Start the test application.
  4. Exercise the JDBC transaction again.

    The transaction count should increase.

Alternately, you can download the xdb.jar file and can place it in the classpath of the application.