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Start a Mobile Lab

When you start a virtual Mobile Lab, you are starting an instance of the lab.

Virtual Mobile Labs lets users sequester mobile application testing to a dedicated hardware pool (for example, dedicated OSX servers for iOS application testing). To launch a virtual Mobile Lab, DevTest requires at least one coordinator server process (per virtual lab instance) paired with one or more simulator server processes that would carry out testing tasks. One simulator instance per server is recommended. While the coordinator server process does not perform actual testing, it is required for correct test scheduling and result reporting.

For more information, see Start a Lab.

You can start a lab by invoking the DevTest Server executables, and specifying a server name and a lab name.

Follow these steps:

  1. From the command line, launch the Mobile Lab Coordinator Server.
    CoordinatorServer -l LabName  

    where LabName identifies the user-defined lab name. One coordinator process per lab is recommended.

  2. Launch the Mobile Lab Simulator.
    Simulator -l LabName -n LabServerName

    where Labname identifies the user-defined lab name and LabServerName is the name of the simulator. One simulator per lab server is recommended.

    Note: These executables are found in the LISA_HOME\bin directory.