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Execute Script (JSR-223) Step

Note: The Java Script step has been deprecated. Use the Execute Script (JSR-223) step instead.

The Execute Script (JSR-223) step lets you write and run a script to perform some function or procedure. You can select from:

To use additional scripting languages, see "Enabling Additional Scripting Languages."

You have access to all the properties in the test case, including built-in objects.

Complete the following fields:

If Environment Error

Specifies the action to take or the step to go to if the test fails because of an environment error.

Default: Abort the test.
Script Language

Designates the scripting language to use.


Default: Beanshell

Copy properties into scope

Allows you to specify which properties to download for use in the step.


Default: Test state properties

Click Test to open a window with the result of the script execution or a description of the errors that occurred.

Anywhere you use {{expressions}}, you can specify a scripting language by using this syntax:


Examples are in the scripting test case in the Examples project.

Set the default scripting language by using the lisa.scripting.default.language property.