Default: INFO,A1
To provide centralized logging for cloud runs, add the registry appender and uncomment the registry appender properties in the file. For example:
The following lines adjust the log levels of third-party libraries that are used by DevTest. Specifying log levels means that they do not clutter the logs with messages unrelated to DevTest.
Default: WARN
Default: WARN
Default: ERROR
Default: ERROR
Default: ERROR
Default: ERROR
Default: ERROR
Default: ERROR
Default: WARN
Default: ERROR
Default: ERROR
Default: INFO
Default: INFO
Set this property to INFO if you want your profile events to be logged:
Default: OFF
Default: com.itko.util.log4j.TimedRollingFileAppender
Default: ${lisa.tmpdir}/${LISA_LOG}
Default: 10MB
Default: 5
Default: org.apache.log4j.EnhancedPatternLayout
Default: %d{ISO8601}{UTC}Z (%d{HH:mm}) [%t] %-5p %-30c - %m%n
Keep a separate log for VSE transaction match/no-match events, Having a separate log makes debugging much easier.
Change INFO to WARN for production systems. The logging can slow down systems with high transaction rates. Do not simply comment out the following line. Explicitly set the log level to OFF or WARN instead of INFO.
To add VSE logging to other log destinations, comment out this line.
Default: false
Default: com.itko.util.log4j.TimedRollingFileAppender
Default: ${lisa.tmpdir}/vse_matches.log
Default: 10MB
Default: 20
Default: org.apache.log4j.EnhancedPatternLayout
Default: %d{ISO8601}{UTC}Z (%d{HH:mm})[%t] %-5p - %m%n
Keep a separate log for advisory events. This logger warns of potential configuration issues such as potential memory leaks. The log is deliberately kept separate from the application log to minimize noise.
Default: false
Default: org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender
Default: ${lisa.tmpdir}/advice.log
Default: 10MB
Default: 20
Default: org.apache.log4j.EnhancedPatternLayout
Default: %d{ISO8601}{UTC}Z (%d{HH:mm}) %-5p - %m%n
If enabled, periodic thread dumps are sent here. DevTest writes logs at the INFO level. Therefore, to get the thread dumps, change WARN in the next line to INFO, even with DevTest servers or DevTest Workstation running. This action results in a thread dump in the named file in 30 seconds. For more information, search for "threadDump" in This action also simplifies getting thread dumps to debug performance issues. Change WARN in the next line to INFO, wait for 1 minute or 2 minutes, then revert the setting to WARN.
You can also generate a point-in-time thread dump with the LISA_HOME/bin/ServiceManager application. For example, use standard Java tools such as jstack, or issue the following command:
ServiceManager -threadDump tcp://hostname:2014/Simulator
Default: false
Default: org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender
Default: ${lisa.tmpdir}/threadDumps/TD_${LISA_LOG}
Default: 10MB
Default: 20
Default: org.apache.log4j.EnhancedPatternLayout
Default: %d{ISO8601}{UTC}Z (%d{HH:mm}) [%t] %-5p - %m%n
Mirrors DevTest logging to the (remote) registry.
Default: org.apache.log4j.EnhancedPatternLayout
Default: %d{ISO8601}{UTC}Z [%t] %-5p - %m%n
The following properties display the requests and responses for HTTP-based traffic in the vse.log. This information is useful for debugging a virtual service that returns a "no match found" response. Such a result can indicate that the VS did not receive the expected request.
These log messages reveal the same requests and response that TCPMON shows. The requests and responses display in the vse.log, without having to inject TCPMON between the virtual service and its client application. These options only log HTTP requests and responses. These options can help to debug virtual services, especially when a virtual service responds with an unexpected message and you want to match a raw request with the raw response.
Prints the requests that travel through this class in the vse.log. These log messages begin with "Raw playback response."
Values: TRACE, null
Prints the requests that travel through this class in the vse.log. These log messages begin with "Raw request start."
Values: TRACE, null
Prints the requests that travel through this class in the vse.log. These log messages begin with "Raw request start."
Values: TRACE, null
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