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Send Email

To send an email notification from a test case, use the Send Email step.

Complete the following fields:


Specifies the asset that contains the connection parameters to the SMTP mail server. Select a connection from the drop-down list. To add an asset, click Add New Asset.


Identifies the email sender. Enter an email address or a property.


Identifies the email recipient. To send to multiple recipients, use a comma between email addresses. You can also use a property or list of properties.



Identifies the secondary email recipient. To send to multiple recipients, use a comma between email addresses. You can also use a property or list of properties.


Identifies the tertiary email recipient. To send to multiple recipients, use a comma between email addresses. The tertiary recipients are not identified to other recipients. You can also use a property or list of properties.


Specifies the subject of the email. You can use a property or multiple properties in the Subject field.


Specifies the body of the e-mail with HTML support. If you use a buffered image as a property in the email body, the image is embedded in the message. You can use a property or multiple properties in the Message field. For the Selenium Integration step, you can use the selenium.last.screenshot property to embed a screenshot from the Selenium Integration step in the email message.


Lists the attachments to the email. Click LISA-- icon_image_whiteplussign, then Browse to locate the path and file name of the file to be attached to the email.

If Environment Error

Specifies the action to take or the step to go to if the test fails because of an environment error.

Default: Abort the test.

To test the email connection, click Send Test Email.

The Send Email step has a default name using this convention: Send Email Step. If another step uses the default step name, DevTest appends a number to this step name to keep it unique. You can change step names at any time.