The Agent Light for WebSphere MQ is an agent that communicates with CA Continuous Application Insight using a REST API. The purpose of the light agent is to take the input from an MQ request/response data file and send the data to CAI through the REST API call.
The agent light can receive the MQ transactions from the following sources:
The light agent uses the -f parameter to take a data file as an input. The transaction parameters from the data file are:
Defines the transaction data file to be imported into CAI.
Defines the data protocol type. HTTP, JMS, and MQ are supported.
Default: HTTP
Create a path from data file using the following example code:
Java -jar lisaagentlight.jar -url http://<LisaServer>:1505 -f mqSample.xml -t mq
Third-party log files are supported using a Splunk query. Splunk indexes the log file and produces the MQ transaction data. The agent light queries Splunk to get the MQ transactions and creates a CAI path for them. The third-party log file may not contain all the information required by the MQ transaction. An extended XML data file is defined to allow users to input the missing data. The data in the extended file must be in the XML format defined by DevTest Solutions.
The transaction parameters from Splunk are:
Indicates transactions acquired from Splunk.
Defines the Splunk server hostname or IP address.
Defines the Splunk port number.
Defines the Splunk server user name.
Defines the Splunk server password.
(Optional) Defines the Splunk transaction search statement.
Defines the data protocol type. HTTP, JMS, and MQ are supported.
Default: HTTP
Defines the maximum transactions to be imported.
Default: 500
Defines the Splunk data source, either webMethods, swamq or JMS.
Defines the extended transaction data file.
Create a path from Splunk using the following example code:
Java -jar lisaagentlight.jar -url http://<LisaServer>:1505 -splunk -hostname -port 8089 -username admin -password admin -source swamq -type mq -extfile extendedDataFile.xml
When you query Splunk for third-party transactions, a Splunk query statement must be provided to query for the transactions. The agent has a default query statement built-in. If a different query is needed, you can pass a new query statement using the -search parameter.
The following statement is the built-in default query statement:
"search index=main CASE(\"- REQUEST: <?xml\") OR CASE(\"- RESPONSE: <?xml\") | transaction startsWith=CASE(REQUEST:) endsWith=CASE(RESPONSE:)";
If the Agent Light for WebSphere MQ is executed from a remote system, the DevTest Server REST URL must be specified. Otherwise the agent assumes the DevTest Server is local. The URL format is http://<lisa-server>:1505.
The agent light has the following optional parameters:
Defines the CAI REST base URL.
Note: The data in the transaction data file and in the extended XML data file must be in the XML format that is defined by DevTest Solutions. See the Input Transaction Data Format for MQ topic for more information about the standard data format.
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