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Agent Light for JMS

The Agent Light for JMS is an agent that communicates with CA Continuous Application Insight using a REST API. The purpose of the light agent is to take the input from a JMS transaction data XML file and send the data to CAI through the REST API call. The agent light can receive the JMS transactions from the JMS transaction data file.

The light agent uses the -f parameter to take a data file as an input. The data in this file must be in the XML format that is defined by CAI. See the Input Transaction Data Format for JMS topic for more information about the standard data format.

The transaction parameters from the data file are:

-f, -file

Defines the transaction data file to be imported into CAI.

-t, -type

Indicates the data protocol type.
Default: http

Create a path from a data file using the following example code:

Java -jar lisaagentlight.jar -url http://<LisaServer>:1505 -f sampleJmsDataFile.xml -t jms