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Stateful Baselines

A stateful baseline is a baseline test case that applies to an entire conversation or session, instead of simply one of its transactions. A conversation is a set of transactions in a session.

Whereas most consolidated baselines contain a single test step, a stateful baseline typically contains multiple test steps.

You can create stateful baselines from the DevTest Portal or the CAI command-line tool.

Stateful baselines are supported for the following categories of transaction frame:

If you add a single transaction frame to the shelf, a stateful baseline is automatically created.

If you add a merged transaction frame to the shelf, you cannot create a stateful baseline. You can create consolidated and expanded baselines.

Assume that you run the multi-tier-combo test case in the examples project. Multiple paths are generated. The following graphic shows the main portion of one path. The Shelve All Occurred Transactions action has been applied to the web service frame.

Screen capture of path graph.

The following graphic shows a stateful baseline that was generated from the shelved frame.

Screen capture of a stateful baseline.